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Female Infertility: How Smart Ring for Women Boost Birthrate

By Femometer | Monday, April 1, 2024

Wearable technology is a category of electronic devices that are best viewed as jewelry, but also smart wearables that track BBT, ovulation cycles, heart rate, and other body metrics in real-time. Given the extreme growth of the wearable technology market in the last few years, it wasn't surprising to see the emergence of a smart ring. As a woman, I'm happy to see the emergence and popularity of smart ring for women, but there are still very few smart rings made specifically for women on the market. And women seem to be accustomed to the generic functionality of products in general, ignoring the need for products that are considered fine-tuned for women.

Research on Infertility

Giving birth and raising a baby is always a natural part of starting a family, and being joyful. However, with 49.76% of the global female population in 2024, and the average age of women giving birth worldwide at 32 years old, for them, the process of trying to conceive is fraught with challenges, and emotional suffering. The fact is, The reality of infertility can be a difficult and lonely experience, but it is a journey shared by millions of couples and families around the world. With the grief feeling that accompanies every failed conception, infertility seems to be every couple's nightmare. So what causes infertility?

2024 global population by gender Image source: https://www.populationpyramid.net/world/2024/

A survey from NLM randomly selected 120 couples who came for infertility treatment as sampling, the study subjects were aged 19-49 years and included couples who had been married for over 1 year, cohabiting, and women who were not using contraceptives due to primary or secondary infertility. All the data were collected by oral interview, examination, and review of records. The results indicated that male factors caused infertility accounted for 33.33%, and in the female factors, PCOS reaches 46%, becoming the largest factor in infertility PCOS, and then is the tubal factors, which account for 33.8%.

causes of infertility

PCOS affects fertility

1. Technical Solutions for Infertility

From ovulation induction and intrauterine insemination (IUI) to in vitro fertilization (IVF) and assisted reproductive technologies (ART), the process of trying to conceive can be physically demanding, financially draining, and emotionally exhausting.

However, not all infertility is primary and irreversible. As long as women pay attention to their reproductive health in advance, both PCOS and tubal factors can be avoided in early time. Women need to focus on their reproductive health, whether it's for successful conception or contraception, and take control of the uterus's health. Raising the awareness of using an ovulation tracker daily, is what women need to do first. Convention smart watches become the first choice of most women, but they are inconvenient, nor do they focus on analyzing indicators of female ovulation. If the occurrence of PCOs, the biggest factor causing female infertility, can be solved or avoided in advance, it means that successful pregnancy is not nonsense.

2. Ways to Boost Natural Fertility

Healthline, the official website that provides trust-able medical information and health advice published an article that navigated women to boost fertility in 16 natural ways. Changing your lifestyle may be the first step.

women's reproductive health

2.1 Aim for a Healthy Weight

Weight is one of the most important factors affecting fertility in both men and women. This is because the amount of fat stored in the body can affect menstrual function. Maintaining a healthy weight improves lh hormone regulation and increases the possibility of ovulation.

2.2 Avoid Caffeine & Alcohol

There are no definitive research findings at this time that caffeine affects a woman's uterine health and fertility. But to be on the safe side, I recommend women try these caffeine-free options. On top of that, smoking and excessive alcohol consumption are associated with plummeting fertility in both men and women. Quitting smoking and moderating alcohol consumption can boost fertility by enhancing reproductive health. Studies by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine have shown that quitting smoking and drinking can increase fertility by up to 50%.

2.3 Limit Crabs & Trans Fats

It is not only the amount of carbohydrates that matters, but also the type. Refined carbohydrates are quickly absorbed by the body, which in turn causes blood sugar and insulin levels to spike. Insulin is chemically similar to ovarian hormones. These hormones help our eggs mature. Consistently elevated insulin causes the body to produce fewer reproductive hormones because if you are a woman with PCOS, control your intake of refined carbohydrates. Similarly, trans fats, which negatively affect insulin sensitivity, are commonly found in margarine, fried foods, processed products, and baked goods. As we know, these are our favorites. It's important to maintain a healthy diet.

2.4 Make Ovulation Tracking a Daily Habit

Understanding your menstrual cycle and pinpointing ovulation can significantly increase the chances of conception. Tracking ovulation allows couples to time intercourse accurately during the most fertile days of the cycle. Using Femometer Smart ring you can effortlessly track your BBT without even taking your temperature. (The ring tracks your BBT overnight and syncs when you open the app in the morning; You can chart your ovulation and fertile window without lifting a finger ;)

How Smart Rings for Women Boost Fertility

1. Femometer Research of Smart Ring for Women

In November 2023, Femometer conducted a user feedback survey on users who purchased our smart ring for women. All the data was collected after obtaining users’ consent and the summarized results showed that 66.25% of users were aged 28-37, and 80% of them were concerned about ovulation, menstrual period, BBT, and other female health issues, and have rich ovulation tracking experience. Our smart ring has also helped 58.33% of women successfully avoid the trouble of getting up early to measure their temperature, providing them with a more convenient solution than smart watches. 50% of users reported that we provided extremely accurate ovulation prediction, thereby helping them to conceive naturally or prevent pregnancy.

Femometer research on Smart ring for women

The survey not only indicates that smart ring for women, as a wearable technology product, can provide great help in daily life and women’s health, but also proves the future market growth trend of smart ring for women.

2. How Smart Ring for Women Boost Fertility

Smart ring for women is usually equipped with sensors to monitor diverse physiological indicators related to women’s reproductive health, like basal body temperature (BBT), menstrual cycle, and ovulation tracking. Smart Ring for Women offers professional insights about women’s fertility window and when is the best time for conceiving through monitoring the above parameters continuously.

Same as an ovulation tracker, most smart ring for women utilize temperature sensors and advanced technology, then algorithmized to accurately detect subtle changes in a woman's BBT throughout her menstrual cycle. Basal body temperature tracking plays a crucial for ovulation prediction with a high accuracy, because women usually experience slight fluctuations in body temperature around ovulation day, and a smart ring for women helps them to pinpoint their fertile window by detecting a slight increase in body temperature after ovulation.

3. Why Smart Rings for Women?

  • Tracking Ovulation in High Accuracy: Compared to other ovulation trackers, a smart ring for women to monitor ovulation conveniently can eliminate the trouble of getting up early, and the uncomfortable feelings of wearing watches. The temperature sensor measures and records your BBT, then syncs the data with an app to accurately predict ovulation, and empower women to optimize the timing of conception.

  • Non-invasive Even in Sleep: Conventional fertility trackers may require daily wearing and timely charging, The smart ring for women offers the best user experience, solving the troubles of get up early. Smart Ring for women

  • Awareness of Women’s Health: Ovulation and menstrual cycle are 2 important indicators that mark women’s health. In the past, women recorded their health status by marking their menstrual periods on the calendar, but with the development of technology, ovulation apps can satisfy all women who need menstrual records, but for accurate prediction of ovulation time, they need to rely on To monitor subtle changes in body temperature, smart watches, and bracelets are inconvenient to wear and cannot solve the trouble of getting up early to take body temperature. Therefore, smart rings have appeared. It is precisely because of the popularity of smart rings that women pay more attention to their health and love themselves more. This is what we want to see.

  • Limitations: Although smart ring for women is expected to be a vital tool for women trying to conceive, most existing smart rings made specifically for women's ovulation tracking are not yet able to be as thin and light in appearance as traditional rings because of the sensors and battery devices they are equipped with, but Femometer manages to coexist aesthetics and technology and is also considering the development of new color schemes and new features, and we are committed to helping every woman keep an eye on her health through a smart We are committed to helping every woman keep an eye on her health through smart devices, and are willing to be there for every important moment in a woman's life.


As one of the solutions to female infertility, smart rings provide a data visualization approach to increase birth rates and enhance female reproductive health awareness. Through innovative technologies such as continuous temperature monitoring and ovulation prediction algorithms, these devices can give women greater insight into their fertility cycles and increase their chances of conceiving. The convenience and non-invasiveness of Femometer smart ring for women make them easy to use and appeal to a wide range of female users. Overall, smart rings represent an important step forward in empowering women to take control of their reproductive health.

This article is the original creation of Femometer. All rights reserved by Femometer Inc. To reproduce, distribute, or reference the content, please reach out to us in advance to prevent any potential legal issues. Copyright © Femometer Inc.

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